How much time do you spend on your life?
Making sure you are moving in the direction you want.
Planning for your future
Overcoming barriers that may hold you back
Part of the challenge in the modern world is that there often really isn’t time to dedicate to ourselves to make sure that we are achieving all we really want.
More often than not we look back on our lives and wonder where we lost the drive we once had to achieve our goals. We may even feel stuck and want to change our lives, get back on track towards what we always have desired, to overcome the barriers that have been put in place, to put ourselves back on the cause side of life, rather than the effect side where our lives feel out of our control.
Spring has developed a personal breakthrough day which allows you to seize back control of your life, to overcoming the issues that have held you back till now, to let go of negative behaviours or emotions and to replace them with drive, determination, vision and effective goals.
How much time do you spend on developing your life the way you want it?
Chance are it is not enough.
Over 6 hours you will let go through significant personal change and leave feeling totally empowered.
Change does happen quickly so you should ask yourself, can you not not take control of your life and achieve all of your dreams.
Spring offers a variety of methodologies for you to take control of your life;
Personal breakthrough days – Make the chages you desire in one incredibly powerful day
Individual sessions – Make changes every week
Once you have comlpeted either of the above sessions Spring recommends that you at attend the 10 week group program where you learn the core elements of how to make a success of yourself and implement them moving forward.
How do they work?
The process is fairly simple, for the breakthrough day and the breakthrough sessions the format is the same:
Discover the presenting problem, the problem that is stopping you from achieving what you want, which, when removed will aloow you to take the giant leaps forward that you want to.
Take a detailed personal history, this allows us to identify any areas of conflict that may also be blocking your potential.
Determine therapy program
Utilise NLP and Time Line Therapy techniques to let go of negative emotions that can stop you and actually cause ill health
Utilise NLP and Time Line therapy techniques to let go of limiting decisions that again block your development and progression. A limiting decision is taken at an unconscious level and usually is in response to a scenario that happened in our lives and actually has a significant effect on our lives as the decision is often very negative.
Resolve a conflicts through NLP techniques. More often than not there may be a conflict inside us about what to do. By utilising some core NLP techniques we can resolve the conflict.
Check on the presenting problem and see that it has gone.
Goal brainstorming
Goal setting and putting the goal into your future
Mentoring program.
At the end of the day, only you can make the changes that you want in your life. Spring works with clients to get them to take responsibility for their lives and to empower them to make the positive changes that they have been seeking in their lives.
This program is incredibly successful. So if you want to make those changes in your life, make them today and start living the life that you have always wanted for yourself.
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